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Marie Lanen
Head of parenting sections (baby, pregnancy, family), psychology and beauty

The most common first names in France are not those most given today. Shed light on this first name which for decades was the only male first name worn by more than a million French people.
According to the book L’Officiel des Prénoms (First Editions), certain first names are the most common in France but not necessarily the most assigned… Indeed, with an aging population, certain first names are still very common although future parents do not do not choose them for their future child. Thus, carried by more than 500,000 boys, Michel outdistances Philippe, Alain and Pierre in the category of 400,000 individuals. From Christophe to Dominique, the frequency of the first name varies from 300,000 to 200,000. Two novices, Hugo and Raphaël, recently burst into the table of the most common first names. Nothing surprising for these key first names since the turn of the century. But the first name that has enjoyed the most popularity for decades is none other than Jean.
Jean, a male first name worn by more than a million French people
Still according to the reference work on first names, for decades, Jean was the only male first name worn by more than a million French people, but for 3 years, it has been below the million threshold. This development was expected, because the average age of Jean is over 70 years old, but it had to be emphasized: the repertoire of assigned first names is increasing such that no other first name should, in the future, experience such a fate. .
Today, Jean is one of the top 200 most given first names. Riding the wave of chic and bohemian first names, Jean marks a sign of belonging to the upper bourgeoisie and therefore has specific characteristics. It can thus be the first name of an illustrious personage, a king or an aristocrat. This type of first name remains a safe haven for many future parents. Moreover, many people move away from the top 50 to choose a first name that is both chic and original.
A popular first name since the 1st century
John means “God is gracious” in Hebrew. The apostle John and Saint John the Baptist have, from the 1st century, ensured the success of this first name. Its diffusion was later reinforced by the numerous saints, popes and kings bearing the name at different times in history. John grew up in the East before spreading to the Christian West, where he is widely attributed to the Middle Ages. Under its different spellings (John, Juan, Giovanni, Johannes, Jan, Ivan, etc.), it remained at the forefront or almost from the 14th to the 19th century. In France, its pre-eminence was still uncontested during the first part of the 20th century, where it reigned without interruption until Philippe dethroned it in 1959. It is, even today, the most common first name in France.
Future parents of the Christian faith obviously think of John, the tireless preacher who baptized Jesus and many converts in the water of the Jordan River. He is also the patron saint of Quebecers, rope makers, grinders and coopers.
A sociable personality
The Johns are known to be very sociable people, like the apostle of Jesus who did not hesitate to preach the gospel in Samaria after the resurrection of Jesus. So, people with this first name like to debate and exchange. Enthusiastic and generous, the Jeans are popular people in society. Moreover, they do not fail to make it known. Being the center of attention is something innate to them. Quick-witted, they know how to adapt to all situations, they are also very popular employees.