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Marie Lanen
Head of parenting sections (baby, pregnancy, family), psychology and beauty

Some first names are seeing their popularity decline but their derivatives are gaining ground! This is the case of this feminine first name derived from Alice.
Alaïs, Alis, Alix, Alison and the regional Breton (Adelice) and Occitan (Aelis) forms are all derivatives of the first name Alice. It is the 16th most given female first name in France since the year 2000. It is also given to almost one in 133 girls today. But one of its derivatives is starting to take the spotlight more than the others, it is Alison.
Alison, the medieval form of Alice
Alison means “Of noble lineage” in Germanic. Outside France, this medieval form of Alice is widespread in English-speaking countries. This first name also has a variant : Alisonne. In France, there are currently 16,000 Alisons and this first name is part of the top 2000 for women.
In terms of characterology, we attribute a certain determination to the Alisons. They are intelligent girls who love to learn. Their sense of reasoning is second to none. They also like to be alone and meditate.
Alice, a first name that still appeals to future parents
If the future parents are purists and prefer the original first names; Alice has it all too. This old derivative of Adelaide comes from the German adal“noble”, and heit, “lineage”, hence the meaning: “of noble lineage”. This first name has been frequently used since the Middle Ages in France and Europe, which facilitates the development of numerous variants. This feminine first name was common until the 17th century, then was forgotten until Lewis Carroll’s novel, Alice in Wonderlandcontributed to its rebirth at the end of the 19th century.
According to the Official First Names (First Editions), “This first name became rarer in the 1930s, but returned discreetly at the end of the 1990s. Today it shines in the national top 6. We are observing its return to Europe, from north to south. It has been triumphant in Sweden for more than 10 years and is attracting more and more Italian or Portuguese parents. Alice achieved a French-speaking double by winning in the top 5 in Quebec and French-speaking Switzerland, but fell back a little in Walloon lands. These successes benefit Alicia who prospers in many Western charts.”
Derivatives, a source of inspiration for choosing a baby’s first name
To help you in your search for the ideal first name for your future child, do not hesitate to identify which derivatives of a first name you like. This can spark new desires and discussions while promoting originality. Another possibility is to make a mix between the “classic” first name and one of its derivatives.