This first name borne by a literary hero (and in The Bridgerton Chronicle) is in the top 600

This first name borne by a literary hero and in

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    Marie Lanen

    Head of parenting sections (baby, pregnancy, family), psychology and beauty


    Precious, rare, or simply evocative, first names inspired by literature invite future parents on a journey. Discover a first name that inspired the editorial staff of Doctissimo.

    Why not seek inspiration in literary works that have transported you to a place of imagination, chivalry, adventures and extraordinary destinies? The good news is that this inspiration is infinite! Doctissimo has chosen to highlight a male first name borne by a hero of a novel considered to be a tale.

    Colin, hero of Boris Vian’s Froth on the Daybreak

    Main character of the novel The Foam of Days by Boris Vian, Colin is a young man who evolves in a fictional world where the characters will discover love, illness, death, work; all in an atmosphere reminiscent of the bayous in Louisiana (United States). This literary work is ranked tenth among the hundred best books of the 20th century. There is no doubt that some parents were influenced by the first names of the other characters: Chloé, Chick, Alise, Nicolas or Isis. This novel, which has become a classic, finds its place in many libraries. Future parents can thus choose to be inspired by great novels to find a first name for their future baby.

    And if you’re more into cinema, we obviously remember Colin, in the film LInfiltratorsand Martin Scorsese. He is the character infiltrated in the Massachusetts State Police in the special investigation unit played by Matt Damon.

    Colin, a first name of Greek origin

    The name Colin means “victory of the people” in Greek. The Collin variant is very widespread in Scotland and in English-speaking countries according to the authors of the book L’Officiel des Prénoms (First Editions). In France, this name is borne by 6,000 people and is in the top 600 most given names. We also like its Basque form Kolin.

    In terms of character, little Colins are credited with skill, ambition, strength, reasoning and passion. Children who stand out from the crowd, without a doubt!

    Baby: 40 first names inspired by the heroes and heroines of the Marvel universe

    Slideshow: Baby: 40 first names inspired by the heroes and heroines of the Marvel universe
