This figure released by the state tells you if your gas supplier is too expensive

This figure released by the state tells you if your

On July 1, the regulated gas tariff will disappear and the prices will be free for each supplier. How do you know if your offer is attractive or too expensive? A small tool put online could help you very soon.

Want to know if you’re paying too much for your gas? The state has an answer for you! On July 1, 2023, the gas market will experience a real revolution with the disappearance of the regulated gas sales tariff. Until then, only the incumbent operator Engie had the right to market gas at a regulated price. From now on, all prices will be free and it will be up to the consumer, and therefore up to you, to select the best offer according to your needs and the prices charged.

If you were an Engie customer at the regulated rate, a so-called “Passerelle” rate has been set up and reserved only for customers who were still on a contract at the regulated rate. But how do you know if you are getting a good deal or a bad deal with these new suppliers?

An indicative price updated each month to find out if your supplier is too expensive

In this jungle of varied offers, consumers may lack guidance. That’s good, an index available for free and updated has just been created. The Energy Regulation Commission (CRE) communicates and will update an indicative gas sale price each month.

This “benchmark monthly gas selling price” integrates the supplier’s supply, transport or storage costs to serve as a compass for consumers. t is neither a fixed price nor an obligation to be respected by gas suppliers, and there is no obligation for suppliers to follow it.

With the disappearance of the regulated gas sales tariff, it will therefore be essential to compare the offers of the various suppliers to find the one that best suits your needs. However, do not rush to July 1st, take the time to find out and compare prices. You could make significant savings on your gas bill within a few months by studying the market carefully.
