This feminine first name, the Breton form of Cécile, is still very rare in France!

This feminine first name the Breton form of Cecile is

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    Marie Lanen

    Head of parenting sections (baby, pregnancy, family), psychology and beauty


    This feminine first name of Breton origin is relatively rare, it is borne by only 1,100 people in France. Doctissimo tells you everything about this charming first name.

    This rare and charming feminine name offers a touch of originality and poetry. Its Breton origin and its soft allure make it a unique choice for parents looking for a rare name.

    A first name of Breton origin referring to the patron saint of musicians

    Azylis (variant of Aziliz) is a feminine name of Breton origin, directly derived from Cécile. The latter comes from the Latin “caecus”, which means “blind”. The name Cécile is traditionally associated with Saint Cécile, the patron saint of musicians, which adds a dimension of spirituality and mystery to this “classic” name. Azylis, as a Breton form of Cécile, retains this meaning while offering a touch of regionality and unique charm, with its soft and poetic sound specific to the Breton language.

    Variants of this name include Aziliz, Azéline, and Adélaïde. In terms of diminutives, “Azy” could be an affectionate and familiar option. Parents can also opt for combinations with other names to create a unique compound name, for example, Azylis-Rose or Azylis-Marie.

    A first name still rare in France

    Azylis is an uncommon first name (carried by 1,100 people in France), which makes it an attractive option for parents looking for an original and unique name for their daughter. In France, it is noticed, particularly among families wishing to highlight their attachment to Breton culture or to offer a rare first name to their child. Azylis stands out for its elegance and its character that is both ancient and contemporary.

    A first name carrying a mysterious personality

    People with the name Azylis are often perceived as having a gentle yet enigmatic personality. The name evokes a certain mystery and an aura of magic, which can suggest a dreamy, creative and intuitive nature. Azylis is often associated with qualities such as sensitivity, a vivid imagination and a great capacity for empathy. The name can also symbolize a certain form of inner vision and spiritual depth.

    Azylis, with its delicate sounds and mysterious personality, could seduce and captivate more and more future parents.

    Rare female first names

    Slideshow: Rare female first names
