This fear that blended families have during the holiday season

This fear that blended families have during the holiday season

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    Christmas is not always a magical time to share with loved ones. It is also a source of stress for many of us. And it turns out to be even a little more complicated for blended families. In what capacity? A survey has taken stock!

    If the magic of Christmas has won over our businesses, our favorite series or even our living rooms, in real life, the holiday season is sometimes a little more stressful. Getting organized, being ready on time, seeing as many loved ones as possible… Can be a challenge and have a negative impact on our morale. But according to a recent survey conducted by the dating app Even with Ipsos Digital, it is blended families who endure the most stress.

    The atmosphere, the number 1 concern of blended families

    In this survey revealed on December 12, we unsurprisingly discovered that 44% of parents, including all family arrangements, believe that the holiday season is complicated in terms of organization. A figure which rises to 49% among parents who have found love again and are preparing to spend Christmas with their extended family.

    For what ? The first reason is simple: 23% of parents in blended families fear a bad atmosphere during meals, for example. Adapting to a new routine, composing together, getting along well with your partner’s children and knowing how to recreate this festive atmosphere despite everything can indeed be worrying. The second fear is that of preparing the meal, but ultimately, it is a reason that puts all families in turmoil, as we want to do well and please everyone.

    The magic of Christmas still works

    Spending your first Christmas in a blended family can therefore seem complicated. Good news, however, for those who are experiencing it this year: when asked how their first Christmas with their new family went, more than half of respondents (55%) confirmed that it went very well. passed and 41% to be satisfied. Only 5% did not have a good experience. So if this is your case, no need to worry too much, Christmas should remain a good time for everyone!
