This family of foods is the key to a healthy brain according to experts

This family of foods is the key to a healthy

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    Marie Lanen

    Head of parenting sections (baby, pregnancy, family), psychology and beauty

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    Numerous scientific studies demonstrate that to preserve cognitive functions, diet plays a vital role. Did you know that a certain food family supports good brain health? Doctissimo enlightens you.

    It’s no secret that a healthy and balanced diet allows you to stay in good physical and mental health. Cognitive functions would thus be preserved by the contents of our plate, among other things. Interviewed by the CNBC Make it websiteDr. Uma Naidoo, nutritionist at Harvard, and Lisa Genova, neuroscientist trained at Harvard, reveal that a particular family of foods would help keep the brain healthy.

    Leafy green vegetables, excellent for the brain

    With age, our body weakens and the brain is no exception to this rule. To preserve your health and cognitive functions as much as possible, the two experts recommend regularly adding leafy green vegetables to your plate. They mention three reasons to favor this family of foods:

    1. They are rich in vitamin B: “a key vitamin to support brain and neurological health, optimal neurotransmitter function and balanced psychological health” according to the nutritionist.
    2. They are rich in nutrients: folate, lutein and beta-carotene are present in this food family. These nutrients are associated with improved brain function.
    3. They are rich in fiber: these play an important role in the occurrence of depression. Thus, fiber consumption is essential for good mental health.

    Which vegetables should you choose for good cognitive health?

    Here is a list of vegetables to add to your diet:

    Some of the green leafy vegetables that you can add to your meals are:

    • Kale;
    • Spinach;
    • Lettuce;
    • Cabbage ;
    • Chard;
    • Bok choy;
    • Mustard leaves.

    NO to diets, YES to WW!

    Don’t forget omega 3 and good fat

    Good news, your special “brain” plate shouldn’t ONLY consist of these vegetables. To influence your cognitive health, you can also focus on foods rich in omega-3 and good fats. For example, extra virgin olive oil – preferably organic – is a food of choice for the brain. Oily fish like salmon, mackerel and tuna are rich in omega-3. They help improve cognitive function and memory! Walnuts, almonds and flaxseeds are also a very good source of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E, an antioxidant that helps protect the brain against the oxidative damage that affects seniors as we age. Also note that raw and organic butter would be effective in fighting neurodegenerative diseases. Don’t forget fruits and vegetables, but also a square of dark chocolate for its flavanol content, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds.
