Thefts of this equipment, which is very common on new cars, are increasing throughout France.
Car theft is a real business. Networks specializing in the field often resell stolen vehicles abroad or use them to commit other crimes. But some criminals “content themselves” with stealing certain parts of a car, such as wheels or exhaust pipes, always with the aim of reselling them to make money. With the rise of on-board digital technology in recent years, to improve the driving experience of motorists, manufacturers have developed new technologies. One of them, very popular with users, is about to become the favorite target of thieves, as reported by France Bleu in Narbonne.
This is already the case at Renault, which has been deploring an exponential number of complaints from its customers for some time. Several models of the French brand are attracting the covetousness of criminals for a particular piece of equipment. Appearing en masse in a few years, reversing cameras are now at the heart of a vast traffic. Owners of the latest versions of Clio, Megane and Captur are increasingly numerous to pay the price and the phenomenon is spreading throughout France.

Especially since removing a reversing camera on these models of the diamond brand is not very complicated! The thieves dismantle them after removing the logo placed at the rear in the center of the tailgate. Located behind the logo, the camera can be removed with a simple screwdriver. In a few minutes the thieves get their hands on their loot, often during the night, and the victims, helpless, can only see the damage. For them the bill is particularly steep since these reversing cameras most often cost between 300 and 400 euros. The thieves sell them for a little less on the internet, on sites like Le Bon Coin which is full of ads for reversing cameras.
The main purpose of rearview cameras installed on cars is to assist the driver when manoeuvring, usually when trying to park. Broadcast on the central dashboard screen, the images provide a clear view of what is directly behind the vehicle, which makes it possible to visualise possible obstacles. Most car manufacturers now offer rearview cameras on their new models, sometimes as standard if not as an option.