This electric motorcycle can do without a charging station

This electric motorcycle can do without a charging station

Completely unusual, 2×2 Ultra Bike from Robo.Systems has the particularity of storing several liters of fuel in each of its wheels. This is used to power a generator to recharge its battery from anywhere. Backpackers will love it.

As its name suggests, the 2X2 Ultra Bike is a motorbike two-wheel drive with a small motor with a maximum power of 2 kW in each of which does not allow it to exceed 50 km/h in speed peak. But that’s not the point, because it is above all an all-terrain vehicle, capable of overcoming any obstacle, rolling in mud, snow and even moving on the water, using floating side cushions.

Its waterproof battery gives it a autonomy of about 60 km. It can be recharged at any time, even in the middle of nowhere, thanks to a small generator that runs on gasoline. And all the originality of this motorbike lies precisely in the storage of this fuel, in the rims in aluminum two wheels, with just over 20 liters in each. Robo.Systems is offering to acquire the 2X2 Ultra Bike starting at $1,990. The first models should be delivered before the end of the year.
