this difference which suits Bercy – L’Express

this difference which suits Bercy – LExpress

Today, Arnaud Bouillin, editor-in-chief of the Economy department of L’Express, explains to us Bercy’s manipulations to achieve its reindustrialization objectives.

READ ALSO: Reindustrialization: Bercy’s tinkering to have a more flattering outcome


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The team: Charlotte Baris (presentation), Mathias Penguilly (writing), Jules Krot (editing and direction)

Music and dressing: Emmanuel Herschon/Studio Torrent

Image credits: Mehdi FEDOUACH/AFP

Logo: Anne-Laure Chapelain/Benjamin Chazal

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Charlotte Baris: 64,000. This figure is the result of a calculation carried out using data from Bercy. Arnaud, what sources did you use to arrive at this figure?

Arnaud Bouillin: Two completely official sources. I’ll explain. Traditionally, it is INSEE, the national statistics institute, which measures the number of industrial jobs in France. And this indicator brings together all jobs linked to energy and the production of manufactured goods. This is very well documented by INSEE and in 2022, according to them, there were 44,000 additional industrial jobs created in France. But for its part, Bercy made another calculation, with another indicator, recent and of its own making, which is that of “industrial professions”. And there we are at a net creation of 108,000 additional “jobs” in 2022. 108,000 minus 44,000, that makes a difference of 64,000. We go from simple to more than double.

For further

Macron and reindustrialization: his plan to promote French factories

Reindustrialization: the strange disavowal of an expert by the executive

Reindustrialization: France already on the verge of stalling?
