This detail on your hair after a shower indicates that you need to cut it

This detail on your hair after a shower indicates that

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    Does your hair look tired and you hesitate to cut it? This sign indicates that it is time to make an appointment with the hairdresser.

    Whether due to lack of time, desire or indecision, we have all avoided the hairdresser at one time or another. However, there comes a time when our cut looks more like a doormat than a well-groomed head of hair. In this case, a particular sign should alert you.

    A detail that is not trivial

    According to Kristina Maccaro, hair expert interviewed by The Women’s Journala sign when leaving the shower should alert you.

    If the ends of your hair dry almost immediately after getting out of the shower, it’s a sign that they have become more porous and can no longer retain moisture.

    Indeed, this method allows you to quickly know the condition of your hair, without requiring the advice of a hairdresser to establish a diagnosis. Practical !

    Dry ends: the causes to know

    Several factors can explain the appearance of these porous tips. These are the following reasons:

    • The use of chemical treatments : Coloring, bleaching and perming can damage hair and make it more porous.
    • Excessive use of heat : Hair dryers, straighteners and other heating appliances dry out the hair fiber considerably.
    • Exposure to the sun : UV rays, wind, and pollution can contribute to the opening of hair scales, increasing its porosity.
    • Using harsh hair products : Shampoos and hair products containing sulfates, parabens and other harsh chemicals can make hair porous.
    • Excessive brushing : Frequent styling (blow-drying) or the use of unsuitable combs can damage the hair scales.
    • Health issues : finally, poor health (heavy treatment, hormonal imbalances, etc.) can affect the structure of the hair.

    Now you know how to take care of your ends.

    10 health problems that cause hair loss

    Slide: 10 health problems that cause hair loss
