This Danish method for talking to children about Santa Claus

This Danish method for talking to children about Santa Claus

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    Depending on the country, the ways of addressing certain issues vary. On the subject of Santa Claus, for example, Scandinavian families, and more particularly Danish parents, have their own way of talking about him to children.

    Do you have young children and feel a little guilty about making them believe in the existence of Santa Claus? Here’s what Danish parents say to their kids and this can be a compromise, so you don’t totally lie to your kids.

    Santa brings “just one gift”

    It’s Léa, a French mother, based in Denmark, who shares this tip, in an Instagram video. In Denmark, parents make their children believe that Santa Claus exists, but they also tell them that he is not the one who brings all the presents.

    In Denmark, the generous booted potbelly brings only one gift… The other toys are offered by relatives“. According to Léa, if the Danes made this choice, it is because they have the “golden rule” of “respect the child’s development by explaining everything to him, calmly, rather than forcing him to accept without flinching“.

    A way to avoid complicated situations

    Choosing this solution which allows you not to completely lie but not to completely tell the truth either would have several advantages. This allows the child to gradually understand that it is not a stranger who leaves presents at night under the tree, but that it is loved ones who offer them. This also avoids making children feel differences between children at school, when they list what they may have received, and making the child who received fewer gifts think that he was punished by the old man. man due to the fact that he did not remain wise. Finally, it also allows children to give gifts to the people they love, in return for those they may have received.

    Christmas 2023: what are the best toys to put under the tree?

    Slide: Christmas 2023: what are the best toys to put under the tree?
