This culinary marathon organized by a committed chef is a good idea, here’s why

This culinary marathon organized by a committed chef is a

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    Illustrating the proximity of the world of sport with that of cuisine, if only for their shared values, chef Bérangère Fagart has imagined a relay of chefs during this period of Paralympic Games to raise awareness about the inclusion of people with disabilities. But this meeting is not only a way to do a good deed…

    In Paris, chef Bérangère Fagart is no ordinary person. While foodies may remember her time on the show “Top Chef” as a candidate, the young restaurateur is best known for her commitments to sustainable gastronomy. The chef at the Sélune restaurant is co-president of the Ecotable label, which recognizes addresses that respect specifications focused on the use of local and seasonal products, among other things.

    With the Paralympic Games in full swing, Bérangère Fagart has decided to take on another fight, that of better inclusion of people with disabilities, but also better visibility. From cooking to Olympic events, one might imagine that there is a world of difference. And yet, it is only a step because these two worlds share common values, whether it is surpassing oneself or rigor.

    To make her commitment a reality, the Parisian chef is launching a culinary marathon that will take place from September 5 to 9 in her own restaurant. For food lovers, this will be an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone by tasting the cuisine of young talents who are very popular in the capital while participating in the efforts of the PLAY International association. The association will receive the profits from these lunches/dinners which will be used for its actions carried out with children to teach inclusion.

    On the table side, Bérangère Fagart’s kitchen will be entrusted to highly sought-after chefs such as Adrien Cachot, Georgiana Viou, Thibaut Spiwack, Cybèle Idelot, Justine Pruvot, Chloé Charles. In total, around thirty toques will take turns over the course of these five days (many of whom have been on Top Chef). All will cook in pairs, without knowing in advance who they will have to work with. And in the same way, the customers will not know who is behind the stoves on the big day. Given the names of the chefs involved and the price of the formula – 65 euros (excluding drinks) for both lunch and dinner – the event is definitely a good deal.
