This city is one of the best to raise children near Paris (and the most affordable)

This city is one of the best to raise children

A ranking reveals the city in Ile-de-France where real estate prices are the least expensive, among the municipalities most suited to raising children.

Life in Paris is very expensive, so it is not uncommon for Parisians to end up moving to one of the cities surrounding the capital. Even more so when they have children, because it inevitably impacts their budget. But which Parisian town should you turn to? The choice is not easy, and you have to take into account many factors to make your decision. To help parents see things more clearly, the magazine Capital established a ranking with 123 municipalities close to the capital based on twenty criteria divided into six categories: education, extracurricular, environment, health, security and real estate.

This last criterion is very important, because housing generally takes up a major part of the family budget. And, precisely, one town stands out thanks to its low prices in terms of real estate: Santeny (Val-de-Marne), with an average price per square meter well below the 4000 euro mark, a very attractive price. This is not its only strong point, since it comes first in the environment category, thanks to its proximity to the Notre-Dame national forest as well as its many green spaces and woods. There is inevitably a catch: it is one of the last towns in the ranking for two criteria. Namely the extracurricular offer, because there are few sports and cultural facilities, and health, with few doctors established there.

If we take into account all the criteria and not just real estate, the city that comes out on top of the ranking is Vincennes (Val-de-Marne), thanks to its first place in the education sector. It also benefits from its proximity to Paris and the Bois de Vincennes, a huge green space ideal for families. There is however a downside: with 9,000 euros per square meter on average in 2023, it is the third most expensive city in this area, behind Neuilly-sur-Seine and Levallois-Perret.

In second place in the ranking is the Ville d’Avray (Hauts-de-Seine). The green spaces are large and numerous, and it has the best score in terms of safety, with a good score in terms of education and extracurricular activities. The average price per square meter is 6,200 euros, which is still expensive, but it is less than the average for the inner suburbs. This city is followed by Nogent-sur-Marne, Antony and Santeny for the top 5 of this ranking.
