This city in France is the best placed to observe the eclipse of the moon

This city in France is the best placed to observe

To take full advantage of the lunar eclipse of this Friday, March 14, a city stands out clearly from the rest of the territory.

A rare celestial spectacle is preparing in France at dawn this Friday, March 14: a moon eclipse will light up the night with a reddish shade. If the earth will enter the shadow of the moon from 6:09 am, it is from 7:26 am that we can admire the entire eclipse. As the night is essential to observe the show, the place where you will find yourself at the time of the eclipse will be of the utmost importance. In which area will you be the best off to observe it?

The answer is found in the far west of France, where sunrise rises later in France. Thus, the Department of Finistère in Brittany will be the privileged place to admire the eclipse. Located on the Pointe du Finistère, Brest is therefore the most placed city to observe the eclipse, with a sunrise planned around 7:40 am. However, the observation conditions being affected by urban light pollution, we will prefer, as far as possible, go to the tip of Corsen, located even further west, 40 minutes by car via the D5. It is “the most optimal place” where observing it, “with an eclipse forming in the direction of Molène”, told the Breton astrophysicist Éric Lagadec to our colleagues from Ouest France.

“As the weather is always good in Brittany, it will certainly be very easy to observe it,” jokes Éric Lagadec. Indeed, for an optimal observation of the eclipse, it is essential to benefit from a well clear sky to the west, and to possibly have binoculars or a telescope for those who want to admire the details of the eclipse.


You have understood this: not all French people will not be housed in the same brand to observe the lunar eclipse. And even within the Brittany region, which is however privileged, observation can be affected by weather conditions. But the more you will find yourself in the east of metropolitan France and the less the time of observation will be important (for example in Strasbourg the sun will rise at 6:51). The Finistériens will even win “11 minutes of additional eclipse compared to Rennes” where the sun will rise at 7:29 am, explain our colleagues from the telegram.

In most of France, the eclipse will therefore be observable only partially, which means that the moon will not appear completely obscured. On the other hand, on the other side of the Atlantic, the American continent will be able to admire the total eclipse in its entirety, all night …

Notice to the Breton-Time Breakdown or Besides, look up to the sky this Friday, March 14, and enjoy this exceptional celestial spectacle, unless the weather comes to spoil the party … if you miss the event, no panic. Another lunar eclipse will occur on September 7, 2025 and this time in the early evening! Long before that, it will even be possible to observe a partial eclipse of Sun, on Saturday March 29, provided you wear protective glasses.
