With these simple steps, your poinsettia can not only stay vibrant throughout the holidays, but also extend its blooms well beyond.
Along with the fir, the poinsettia is one of the most festive plants at the end of the year. It sits on festive tables and is one of the plants that we often give at Christmas. Also known as Christmas star, this emblematic plant of the end of year holidays has pretty bright red leaves.
However, its beauty is often fleeting, and many owners see their poinsettias die after just a few weeks or even a few days. However, by adopting a few simple actions, you can extend their flowering for up to six additional weeks, or even more!
Proper care of your poinsettia begins as soon as you leave the garden center or supermarket with it. The plant is usually wrapped in a pouch to protect it from cold and wind because exposure to low temperatures even for a few minutes can damage the leaves. Unwrap your poinsettia as soon as you get home because the leaf stems can droop and twist if the plant is left wrapped for too long.
Once the plant is at home, there are four essential things to control so that the plant remains beautiful for a long time: temperature, location, lighting and water supply.
The poinsettia is native to tropical regions of Mexico and enjoys conditions similar to those of its natural habitat. To maximize its flowering, place it in a bright room, but away from direct sunlight which could burn its leaves. A constant temperature between 18 and 22°C is ideal. Avoid cold or hot air currents, often responsible for yellowing and falling leaves.

Then you have to control watering. Too much or too little water is one of the most common problems that shortens the life of a poinsettia. The golden rule is to keep the substrate slightly moist, without excess. Water only when the top layer of potting soil is dry to the touch, and make sure that water does not stagnate in the saucer. For better drainage, use a pot with holes in the bottom. A gardener’s tip: let the watering water sit for a few hours before using it, so that it reaches room temperature and the chlorine evaporates. This will avoid any thermal shock.
In addition to these four essential points, take care to avoid shock to the plant. The poinsettia is a sensitive plant that does not appreciate sudden changes. A sudden move to a colder room or prolonged exposure to wind can cause leaves to drop quickly.