This cash for rare deal is driving fans crazy

This cash for rare deal is driving fans crazy

Bares for Rares is the perfect feel-good show for every now and then, because there’s never really anything to see here that you’d have to get very excited about. But even the tame ZDF long-running hit is not spared from drama. The sale of an incredibly expensive property really angered the community. What fans say about the scandal can be found here.

The Jesus Cross became famous: until 2024 it was the most expensive cash for Rares sale

When mother Cosima Birk and daughter Stephanie Huber appear at Bares for Rares in the May 22, 2019 episode, they know one thing for sure: they have a real treasure with them. How could it be otherwise? Even the otherwise eloquent jewelry expert Heide Rezepa-Zabel can hardly put into words what a magnificent work of art is presented.

The XXL clunker is a gigantic cross pendant set with an incredible 40 carats of diamonds. The glittering eye-catcher is also very old: the expert estimates that it was made around the year 1700. But the real hammer is inside: behind a crystal window there is an incomprehensible shrine: small splinters of wood from the cross of Jesus Christ. The authenticity is certified by a papal seal. An incredible find that will of course fetch an incredible price.

This deal makes many people angry: the seller sells her treasure thousands of euros below the estimated value

Expert Heide Rezepa-Zabel believes in the value of this masterpiece and sets her estimate accordingly high: the sanctuary could bring in up to 80,000 euros – such a high amount has never been seen at Bares for Rares. So far everything was going well for the mother-daughter duo, but then the sale happened, which still infuriates fans to this day.

In the dealer’s room it quickly becomes clear that we are dealing with a unique piece. Jewelry dealer Susanne suddenly seems very sheepish. “I can’t say anything more about it. Crazy”she admits. (You can read about how tough she is otherwise here.) The dealers start bidding and, unsurprisingly, the prices skyrocket. When 30,000 euros were reached, the dealers became more and more hesitant. Ultimately, the 40,000 euros are cracked: dealer Susanne makes a final offer – her last, as she emphasizes: “42,000 euros.”

You can tell that mother and daughter are really nervous about such XXL sums. Daughter Stephanie seems to be able to persuade her mother after all: “I would do it,” she whispers to her. Mother Cosima allows herself to be softened and concludes the deal. The two seem overjoyed – of course, they are now 42,000 euros richer.

The fans see it differently: it should never have been sold so far below the estimated value

The criticism of many fans: This sale should never have happened like this. The seller was paid off far too cheaply – many even thought that the original estimated price was too low. But there is also criticism of the production: many criticized the fact that such a treasure should have been placed in the care of a luxury auction house – in order to achieve an appropriate price for the former owners.

This case is available on YouTube – and fans can get their frustrations off their chests. I’m still stunned.
Selling off such an incredible piece of history is impossible.”
writes an angry user. She thinks the piece would rather belong in a museum. Other users choose dramatic words – typical on the Internet: “I’m still traumatized by that sale.” A user is immediately reminded of “Beware of rip-offs”.
