This card gives priority access to certain public places for pregnant women

This card gives priority access to certain public places for

Pregnant women are among the people who can benefit from the priority access card to certain public places. Which ? How to get it? We tell you everything!

When you are pregnant, queues are often difficult to bear, especially at the end of pregnancy when your lower stomach feels tight and the baby weighs more and more. If most people are kind and willingly give up their place in supermarkets or transport, be aware that there is still a priority card for access to certain public places, also called national family priority card. This particular card, not to be confused with the inclusion mobility card (CMI) which is intended for people with disabilities, can also concern parents of young children:

Who is entitled to the priority card?

The priority card for access to public places is addressed to:

  • to pregnant women,
  • to people who have effective or permanent responsibility for at least one child under 3 years old,
  • at least two dependent children under 4 years old
  • or at least three dependent children under 16 years old,
  • as well as those who are decorated with the family medal.

Thanks to this card, which public places give priority access?

This card allows you to obtain priority of access in certain public places: offices and counters of administrations and public services, as well as public transport.

Please note that pregnant women are not allowed to use parking spaces for people with disabilities which are exclusively reserved for them. When there are some, expectant mothers can, however, use the seats reserved for families, which are increasingly common, which are wider and closer to the entrance than the classic seats.

To obtain the priority card for access to public places, you must make a request which does not go through a form. Future mothers and other concerned people can request iton plain paper or by email with the organization on which they depend in their department, namely the Family Allowance Fund (Caf) or the Mutualité sociale agricole (MSA). It is possible to accompany your approach with proof of your situation, for example a pregnancy certificate, a full copy or an extract with parentage of the children’s birth certificate. This priority card is completely free.

Priority card for pregnant women: how long is it valid?

The validity period of the priority card for access to public places depends on the situation of the person concerned.

  • For pregnant women, it can be obtained from the start of pregnancy and will be valid until delivery.
  • For people with dependent children, it is valid for a period of three years.
  • Only family medalists have it for an unlimited period.

To renew it, simply re-apply if the access conditions are still valid. In the event of loss or theft, a duplicate can be obtained from the organization that issued it by writing a request on plain paper or by email.
