Colon cancer is one of the most common cancer types in the world and in our country. As time passes, the number of people with colon cancer is increasing due to unhealthy living habits. Men have a higher risk of developing colon cancer than women. Cumhuriyet University Suşehri Health School Nursing Department Inst. See. Ayşe Yılmaz gave information about colon cancer, which is more common in men.
2nd rank in cancer deaths
Stating that March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month, Yılmaz said, “Large bowel cancer is the third most common type of cancer in both men and women among all cancer types. When evaluated according to gender, it is seen more frequently in men than in women, and it is the 2nd most common cause of cancer death in men and the 3rd most common cause of death in women. said.
Noting that lung, stomach, lymph and blood, prostate, pancreatic and bladder cancers are seen more frequently in men than in women, Lecturer. See. Yılmaz said, “When evaluated in general, the causes of cancer can be grouped under two main headings as unchangeable factors and modifiable factors. Unchangeable factors are age, gender and genetics. At the beginning of the behavioral and environmental factors that can be changed are smoking, diet, being overweight, exercise status and alcohol consumption, exposure to harmful chemicals-radiation, air pollution. he said.
Yılmaz concluded his speech by stating that early diagnosis and the use of new treatment methods with the development of technology reduce the death rate, and that adopting healthy lifestyle behaviors is of great importance in preventing cancer.