This Arabic female first name referring to Eve will be successful this year

This Arabic female first name referring to Eve will be

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    Marie Lanen

    Head of parenting sections (baby, pregnancy, family), psychology and beauty

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    Many first names are of Arabic origin. Whether they are used in Arabic-speaking countries or in other countries; these first names appeal to future parents. Light on a female first name referring to Eve.

    Leïla, Kenza, Alya, or even Aya; many female names of Arabic origin are on the rise. Sounds in “a” that appeal to future parents of Muslim faith or not. Doctissimo has spotted a first name referring to Eve which will get people talking.

    Hawa, the Arabic equivalent of Eve

    Worn by 6,000 people in France, the first name Hawa is the Arabic equivalent of Eve. The latter means “life” or “to give life” in Hebrew. In the Bible, Eve, the first woman of humanity, tastes with Adam the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge, which provokes divine wrath.

    If the Awa variant can also appeal to future parents, its characterology also has something to appeal to. Indeed, little Hawa are credited with benevolence, wisdom, peace, conscience and advice. A beautiful person who is adored by those around her.

    The great popularity of “A” first names

    This year again, many female first names have an “A” ending. Indeed, in the top 10 in 2024 (1. Alba 2. Louise 3. Jade 4. Amber 5. Emma 6. Romy 7. Pink 8. Anna 9. Alice 10. Mia), we already have four! According to the authors of the book L’Officiel des Prénoms (First Editions): “by 2025, two stars could revitalize the endings in “a”: Luna, with its very trendy “nature” side, has already reached the out of the top 20. For her part, Ava is showing constant growth and will overtake Éva in the coming years.” “A” first names therefore still have a bright future ahead of them.

    The top 10 female Arabic names for 2024

    In Muslim culture, certain first names are on the rise this year. This is the case for these 10 female first names:

    1. Aliyah which means “high” or “sublime”.

    2. Lyla, variant of the first name Lila which means “Lily” in Latin and “what is mine is hers” in Hebrew.

    3. Amina which means “loyal” or “trustworthy” in Arabic.

    4. Nylah a variation of the Celtic first name Nila.

    5. Zara which means “flower”, “luminous whiteness” in Arabic.

    6. Amira which means “prince” in Arabic and “proclaimed” in Hebrew.

    7. Amber (or Amber). This feminine form of Ambroise has its origins in Greek ambrosios“immortal”.

    8. LeylaBorn during the night” (Arabic).

    9. Soraya means “beauty of the stars” (Arabic, Persian). An Iranian princess illustrated this first name in the mid-20th century.

    10. Zaina Derived from Arabic meaning “beautiful”, “Zaina” is a popular name in many Muslim countries.

    Muslim and Arabic first names: the top 30 female names

    Slide: Muslim and Arabic first names: the top 30 female names
