This application promises a 30% faster recovery in the event of surgery

This application promises a 30 faster recovery in the event

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    In the Netherlands, an application delivering a personalized program and post-operative advice, tested by 11 hospitals, would allow faster recovery of patients, particularly in the event of abdominal surgery.

    What if you owe your post-operative comfort and your recovery… to an application? In the Netherlands, it’s an idea that took shape thanks to the ikHerstel app (I, Recover in Dutch), developed with the help of around 1,500 patients over the past 15 years and tested in 11 hospitals. With the vocation of empowering patients to feel more in control of their recovery process. The application thus offers a personalized recovery plan, set up before an operation with the attending physician or nurse. This takes into account the rehabilitation needs related to the surgery performed, which is important for them in their recovery, and even their personal tastes among 8 activities (walking, running, gardening, etc.). And it seems to work. According to the results published in Lancet Digital Health, patients following the app would return to their normal activities much sooner than the others.

    A faster return to normal activity of 13 days

    The UMC Amsterdam-led study involved 355 patients who had undergone bowel or uterine surgery, such as those who had colon cancer. Major abdominal operations come with a higher risk of prolonged recovery and complications. Half of the patients had access to the ikHerstel application. Each patient listed the eight personal activities they wanted to resume before feeling personally healed. Via the app, patients were able to see if the recovery is going as planned and contact the specialist via e-consultation if necessary. Results ? This group recovered 13 days earlier than the control group.

    This result is not surprising. The research group led by Huirne and Anema from Amsterdam UMC has been developing this health intervention over the past 15 years. Research from 2018 has already shown that the app speeds up recovery from minor operations by 5 days… Now the app is also found to be effective in major operations and speeds up that recovery by almost 2 weeks.

    Aid that should not replace the course of care

    Judith Huirne, professor of gynecology, and Han Anema, professor of occupational health, at Amsterdam UMC are the initiators of this application which they see as beneficial to the health of patients. “Innovations in the field of health must first help patients, in this case to regain control of their lives. An operation is not nothing, a patient can then be insecure to resume his daily activities”explains Huirne.

    Another reality may also tip the scales towards these digital solutions: given the reality of staffing shortages in healthcare, the team seems to think this app is good news for both patients and hospitals.

    However, this solution should not be seen as the replacement of professionals, such as physiotherapists, who are and remain necessary for good long-term rehabilitation, just like follow-up consultations. But the effectiveness of this application gives a glimpse of what the care of tomorrow may be: a combination of digital and physical solutions in which the patient will be able to take more control and self-management of care.
