Long hunted, this majestic animal, now protected, has naturally regained its place.
Some missing animals sometimes sign a spectacular return. They may have been victims of human action, such as intensive hunting for example. This is the case of this majestic bird which was wanted for its long feathers. The latter were used to decorate hats and other accessories towards the end of the 19th century, which were sold very expensive. He had thus almost disappeared in Western Europe, at the beginning of the 20th century. The destruction of wetlands and mangroves have also gradually reduced its habitat.
Since then, falling on this bird was a miracle. Some ornithologists traveled hundreds of kilometers to be able to observe it. However, with the decline in feathers fashion as well as new protection measures around the species, this animal threatened with extinction gradually recolonizes its habitat.
It has, in fact, from total protection since the 1981 ministerial decree on birds and wetlands are more preserved. In 2022, a hunter received a fine of 400 euros for having shot this bird on the Marais site of the Grand-Hazé de Briouze, in the Orne, as reported Actu.fr.
This species is the great egret. Immaculate white plumage, stiff, about 1 meter high and 1.50 meters wide, beak and yellow legs, adults in breeding period acquire very long feathers, which will help them in the process. Food level, it feeds on aquatic or terrestrial insects and vertebrates, but also small mammals such as mice.
The Grande Aigrette is now classified as “non-worrying” by the International Union for Nature Conservation, that is to say that now the risk of disappearance is estimated as weak.
In France, it may be observed in particular in Camargue, Dombes, Sologne and Brenne, thanks to the many wetlands. Its expansion makes it possible today to find it in other regions, in particular by going up north. It is particularly present in fall and winter. So you may soon see this magnificent bird near you.