This amazing investment by Zinédine Zidane brings him half a million a year

This amazing investment by Zinedine Zidane brings him half a

Zinédine Zidane managed his post-football career very well, to such an extent that the former French number 10 would earn 500,000 euros per year thanks to an astonishing investment.

Zinédine Zidane continues to be talked about off the field. The 1998 world champion, who has put his coaching career on hiatus since leaving Real Madrid, has multiplied investments during and after his years as a footballer.

“Zizou” would thus have accumulated nearly 200 million euros and has chosen to diversify its investments and financial income. We all remember his iconic ads for Volvic, Leader Price or Dior, but a more amazing project has emerged and it is more than profitable!

It would allow the former number 10 of the Blues to collect half a million euros each year. The project dates back many years, to 2004 when Zidane was still playing at Real Madrid. The player trained at AS Cannes would have made a investment of 8 million euros in an Ephad Korian Le Cap Sicie in Seyne-sur-Mer in the Var. This retirement home is located near the forest of Janas, the harbor of Toulon and the beach of Les Sablettes. The place is well found, the surroundings pleasant and would still earn him almost 500,000 euros each year.

This is obviously not Zinédine Zidane’s only major investment. The French icon notably had a hollow nose several years ago when she created the now famous institution “Z5” near Marseille. These are synthetic football pitches that are predisposed to accommodate two teams of five players, upon reservation. “Futsal” has exploded in France and “Z5” has become an important player in this booming market.
