This aid increases automatically in a few days, 6 million French people receive it

This aid increases automatically in a few days 6 million

Paid by the CAF, this allowance will be increased for all beneficiaries.

It is a valuable aid for six million French people. Every month, many households receive an average of more than 200 euros from the State. A major financial supplement to the budget, without which many families would find themselves in great precariousness. Good news for the beneficiaries: the payment of this aid will soon be greater. This is not a gesture on the part of the State but an automatic increase linked to the method of calculating this benefit.

The personalized housing assistance, the famous APL, will indeed increase in a few days. This allowance allows about one in six households to limit their housing-related expenses, with a large part of the rent being covered. According to data from the Ministry of Housing, the median rent for an APL beneficiary is 366 euros and the median amount of aid is 211 euros.


From 1er October 2024, a revaluation of this system will come into force. If the State has not yet officially communicated on it, the calculation method, based on INSEE data already published, makes it possible to determine the minimum level of increase to come. This will be 3.26%, both for metropolitan France, Corsica and the Overseas Territories. Enough to follow the increase in rents. But be careful, this does not mean that everyone will receive an amount increased by 3.26%.

The calculation of APL is the result of a formula that is hard to believe. A complex mathematical equation, taking into account several parameters such as rent, income, location of the accommodation, etc. Another formula determining the amount of the beneficiary’s contribution is also applied.

In October, it is the parameters related to “housing expenses” that will be revalued, and not the final amount of APL. Thus, not everyone will benefit from the same increase: some households will inherit an increase of less than 3.26%, while it will be higher than this rate for others. In any case, each beneficiary should receive around ten euros extra each month.
