This activity which only requires 10 minutes a day boosts self-confidence

This activity which only requires 10 minutes a day boosts

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    Practicing physical activity has many benefits. But to boost your self-confidence, it is better to focus on one in particular. Bonus: it would be enough to practice it ten minutes a day to benefit from this positive effect.

    Practicing a sporting activity regularly has many advantages: it allows you to take care of your health, strengthen your body, improve your mental health… But did you know that a particular activity can boost your self-confidence?

    Walking, an easy activity to practice

    Among all the physical activities that can be practiced, walking is often the first recommended by doctors. It actually has several advantages: it costs nothing, requires little equipment (a good pair of sneakers is enough) and can be done alone or in a group.

    According to our colleagues at the Huffington Post, walking makes you feel better, even with just ten minutes of practice. “Just getting up and moving…activates your whole system and you feel more energy, whether it’s getting up from your chair at work, the couch or the bed.” explains Jamie Shapiro, professor and co-director of the Sport and Performance Psychology Program at the University of Denver, in the United States. And this has an impact on morale, in addition to working our bodies.

    Good in his body, good in his head!

    Self-confidence boosted by walking

    Another positive aspect of walking, more unexpected this one, is the ability of walking to boost self-confidence. “Walking helps people gain confidence in their level of physical activity” adds Jamie Shapiro.

    Walking ten minutes a day, every day, therefore reinforces our positive thoughts and we realize that we are capable of moving and doing sport regularly, if we wish. “Witnessing the physical and mental health benefits of that 10-minute walk can help you feel empowered to fit a longer walk into your day” adds the doctor. So, are you ready to put on your sneakers and go for a walk?
