This “accessible to everyone” diet can improve health in just 4 weeks

This accessible to everyone diet can improve health in just

The results of this diet have been confirmed on twins.

A study conducted by theStanford University (USA) reveals how a simple change in diet can improve health – especially heart health – in just a few weeks. The research, published in the medical journal JAMA in November 2023 was carried out on 44 people (22 pairs of twins) aged 18 or over, in good health. Studying twins made it possible to circumvent the factor of genetic variables which can reduce the accuracy of the results. The goal for scientists was to see whether or not eating less meat had real health benefits.

They asked one twin from each pair to follow a vegan diet and the other an omnivorous diet:

  • The vegan diet also called “vegan” was based on plant products and did not include meat no animal products like eggs or milk.
  • The system of government omnivorous included chicken, fish, eggs, cheese, dairy and other animal foods.

-4 kilos and lower cholesterol levels

The study lasted 8 weeks. After 4 weeks, the cholesterol, glucose, insulin levels and body weight of volunteers who followed the vegan diet had decreased. THE insulin levels dropped by 20% and they lost about 4 kilos. These indicators are associated with better cardiovascular health. “This study provided a revolutionary way to claim that a vegan diet is healthier that the omnivorous diet conventional” said Professor Christopher Gardner, nutrition researcher at Stanford University and lead author of the study.

Before emphasizing that this diet is “generalizable and accessible to all. This suggests that anyone who chooses a vegan diet can improve their health long term in two months, with the greatest change being observed during the first month.” For those who do not want to completely eliminate foods of animal origin, the scientist clarified that “What’s more important than going strictly vegan is including more plant-based foods in the diet.” Include vegetables, fruits but also nuts, seeds, legumes
