This abysmal disturbing horror secret tip will make your breath freeze

This abysmal disturbing horror secret tip will make your breath

If you’re looking for an extremely uncomfortable horror film, then we have a very special insider tip for you. The Lodge premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in 2019 and was unsettling in German cinemas about a year later. It’s running tonight nerve wracking movie for the first time on television.

Behind the project is the Austrian director duo Veronika Franz and Severin Fiala, who already caused a sensation in 2014 with the no less disturbing Ich seh, ich seh. In The Lodge, which slowly builds up, childlike eyes meet pure horror again, although it is unclear from which side evil emanates.

  • Today on TV: The Lodge celebrates its free TV premiere on Tele 5 tonight at 10:05 p.m. The repeat will follow on Friday night at 1 a.m.
  • At The Lodge, Christmas turns into an icy horror festival

    After journalist Richard (Richard Armitage) tells his wife Laura (Alicia Silverstone) that he fell in love with Grace (Riley Keough) while researching his new report, she takes her own life. Richard nevertheless decides that he move in with Grace wants, even if his children protest.

    You can watch the trailer for The Lodge here:

    The Lodge – Trailer (German) HD

    Mia (Lia McHugh) and her older brother Aidan (Jaeden Martell) hate Grace and will do anything to alienate her. A trip to a remote cabin in the woods over the Christmas holidays should calm the waves. But then Richard unexpectedly has to go back to town and Grace is alone with the children.

    Grace tells herself it’s the perfect way to start over with Mia and Aiden. After just a few hours, however, it turns out that they trapped in a freezing nightmare is. Last but not least, the two know about their dark secret, which they carry around with them in the form of a childhood trauma.

    There’s no escaping the cold of The Lodge

    Every single image in The Lodge is designed to make the situation more uncomfortable. Franz and Fiala create an undercooled atmosphere. Once the figures are out in the open, the breath freezes and that Ice cracks menacingly under their feet. Inside the house, the mood is no different: an eerie darkness engulfs every room.

    The Lodge is a horror film that builds its suspense with razor-sharp precision and into intolerable. Don’t expect a film that throws quick shock effects around: the 108 minutes sometimes feel like pure torture. There’s no escaping the cold this winter, no matter how warm you dress.

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