This 3-letter female first name, common in Scandinavian countries, will get people talking!

This 3 letter female first name common in Scandinavian countries will

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    Marie Lanen

    Head of parenting sections (baby, pregnancy, family), psychology and beauty

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    A first name favored by Scandinavian parents, but also a traditional Basque and Corsican choice, this still rare feminine name is beginning a great rise. Find out!

    Certain first names are popular in foreign countries, but also in certain French regions. This is the case of Ida, a short first name which begins to make him.

    Ida, a short name for a daring little girl

    Ida means “worker” in the Germanic language. Ida is widespread in Scandinavian countries. It is also a traditional Basque and Corsican choice. There are several variations of this feminine first name: Idaia, Idda, Idalia, Idaline, Idy. In France, only 4,000 people have this first name, which makes it an original choice for future parents who want to focus on uniqueness.

    In terms of characterology, here too future parents should not be disappointed… Little Ida is given boldness, a lot of energy, and a certain originality. They love to explore the world and their colorful personality captivates those around them!

    Ida, a traditional Basque first name

    According to the experts of the book L’Officiel des Prénoms, Ida is a traditional Basque and Corsican choice. The authors take the opportunity to provide some sources of inspiration for future parents who would like to choose a Basque first name for their future granddaughter. Adela, Adriana, Agate, Alicia, Alienor, Amaia, Amaya, Amelia, Ana, Anaia, Andrea, Araia, Aurora, Beatriz, Elaia, Elaura, Elena, Enea, Erika, Ida, Ines, Joana, Juliana, Karla, Katarina, Lois, Lorea, Maia, Maialen, Maika, Maite, Maitena, Maria, Marika, Marta, Mendy, Mercedes, Mila, Milia, Nahia, Oihana, Sandrina, Uhaina. Something to inspire!

    Ida, a trendy bourgeois-bohemian choice

    We know the contracted form “bobo” of the bourgeois-bohemian expression; know that “bobo” first names are still relevant and remain trendy for many future parents. The experts from the Officiel des Prénoms took advantage of the 2024 edition to offer their favorites in terms of bobo first names: Adèle, Agathe, Aglaé, Alma, Anouck, Augustine, Blanche, Castille, Céleste, Charlotte, Cléophée, Daphné, Ella, Eugénie, Félicité, Gabrielle, Gaïa, Garance, Henriette, Ida, Irma, Joséphine, Léonie, Léopoldine, Lise, Louise, Madeleine, Marceline, Margot, Marguerite, Nicole, Ninon, Octavia, Olympe, Ophélie, Palmyre, Pauline, Pétronille, Philomène, Romy, Rosalie, Rose, Rosine, Roxane, Salomé, Séraphine, Sidonie, Simone, Suzanne, Thelma, Tuscane, Victoria, Violette, Zélie. It’s up to you to judge whether you might also like some of these favorites.

    The top Basque first names

    Slide: The top Basque first names
