Think forty years and you wouldn’t mind: The natural aphrodisiac is guaranteed to increase your libido!

Think forty years and you wouldnt mind The natural aphrodisiac

Everyone’s sex drive is different. Some have a very high sexual energy that needs to be calmed down, while others need a little kick in their libido to get it going.

Generally speaking, libido tends to decrease as we get older, but that doesn’t mean older people or people with reduced libido can’t have fun. There are different drugs on the market to increase sexual desire. But there are also natural ways to increase libido! Worth a try at least…

According to the recommendations of British sources, molasses, chestnut honey, royal jelly and Mesir Paste, which are frequently consumed in our country, are natural aphrodisiacs. He emphasizes that these foods should be added to the nutritional routines for a healthy life as well as sexual energy.

HARNUP Molasses

Carob Molasses is made from the must obtained from carob. It is a mixture of freshly crushed juice, skins, seeds and stems to create syrup, paste or jam. In the Balkans, Greece and Turkey, where carob molasses is consumed heavily, it is usually mixed with tahini and eaten with bread in the morning.


It’s packed with calcium, potassium, magnesium, and iron, giving you the energy you need to get through the day. In addition to boosting libido and helping treat erectile dysfunction, it also contains properties that are beneficial for the digestive system, help prevent Alzheimer’s, fight cancer and diabetes, and even improve skin health.


Royal jelly is a substance secreted by honey bees and used to feed the larvae and adult queen bees. Although it is not actually milk, it is known as ‘royal jelly’ because of its creamy white color. People generally use royal jelly, taken on an empty stomach about an hour before breakfast in the morning, as a nutritional supplement. It is said that royal jelly, especially when mixed with honey and pollen, increases sexual desire and improves performance in both men and women.



Honey can come in different forms and types. As with flower honey, chestnut honey is one of them. Chestnut honey is obtained from bees that obtain their nectar from chestnut tree flowers, which open for only three weeks in late spring or early summer. Chestnut honey tends to be deep red in color, takes longer to crystallize, and has a slightly bitter taste and odour.


It is a great source of vitamins and despite its sweetness, it is very low in calories. It is known that two or three tablespoons of chestnut honey a day, especially when taken with walnuts about 3 hours before bedtime, improves mood and energizes men.


Grape syrup or molasses is made from crushed grapes and grape juice that has been boiled, cooled, and made into a thick paste. It contains no added sugar and is packed with chromium, which includes spermatogenesis, a cell differentiation process that produces fertile sperm.


In some countries in the Mediterranean, it is hardened into a sweet treat served with walnuts or almonds. Athletes can consume molasses to boost their energy levels before starting sports activity, while it can also be used to treat flu and colds or to help mothers recover after childbirth, but it can also be used as a natural aphrodisiac.


According to British sources, mesir paste, one of our country’s favorite foods, is also among the natural aphrodisiacs. Mesir Paste, known as Sultan Paste abroad, is identified with the province of Manisa.


The paste is a blend of more than 40 herbs and spices, including saffron, fenugreek, nigella sativa, cardamom, cloves, mustard seeds, rhubarb, turmeric, orange peel, and ginger. Therefore, if you are allergic, be careful before consuming. Mesir Paste is like a mixed aphrodisiac soup that is guaranteed to restore your sex drive. In addition, it also improves gut and prostate health.
