Things are getting warmer in Asia: ‘Nuclear alliance’ was established… Intimidation from South Korea to North Korea! “Immediately and overwhelmingly”

Things are getting warmer in Asia Nuclear alliance was established

South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol stated that they will strengthen their ability to respond “immediately and dominantly” to defend the country against any provocation by North Korea.

According to Yonhap, Yoon made a statement about the “North Korean threat” at the 71st anniversary ceremony of the Korean Veterans Association.


Stating that South Korea’s security is under threat from inside and outside, Yoon said, “Moreover, provocations through fake news and false manipulation threaten the democracy of this country.” he said.

Yoon stated that they upgraded the South Korea-US alliance to a nuclear-based alliance in order to deter North Korea’s nuclear threats and provocations.

Stating that they have further strengthened the security cooperation between South Korea, the USA and Japan in this context, Yoon said, “We will strictly protect South Korea and defend the security of our people by strengthening our ability to respond immediately and dominantly to any provocation of the enemy.” he said.



On the other hand, in the statement made by the Ministry of Defense, it was stated that the army was ready against possible attacks by North Korea.

“If North Korea attempts to use nuclear weapons, it will face the end of its regime,” the statement said. The statement was included.

In North Korea, a law was enacted to accelerate the production of nuclear weapons in order to “secure the existence and development of the country and preserve regional and global peace” on the grounds that South Korea-USA-Japan cooperation poses a “terrible threat”. (AA)
