Thief is convicted of rape in Järfälla – revealed with DNA

Thief is convicted of rape in Jarfalla revealed with
Six-year-old case solved thanks to dna

full screen Police on site in Järfälla after the rape. Photo: PO Sännås

The 13-year-old girl was assaulted and raped in the snow on an exercise track in Järfälla in the winter of 2017.

Six years later, the police get a DNA match – on a burglar.

Now the Attunda district court sentences the man to one year and one month in prison for aggravated rape of a child.

The 21-year-old man was arrested for aggravated theft in Värmdö outside Stockholm.

In connection with that, he was topped. Then it turned out that his DNA matched the perpetrator’s DNA in a six-year-old sex crime.

On the afternoon of February 11, 2017, a 13-year-old girl was subjected to a serious rape in an exercise track in Järfälla municipality.

The girl was talking to a friend on her cell phone when the man attacked her. He tore off her clothes and sexually assaulted her.

The victim’s friend heard parts of what happened before the perpetrator tore the girl’s headphones.

The police secured traces, but could not match the DNA to a perpetrator. The perpetrator went free. But in the end justice caught up with him.

full screen Police on site in Järfälla after the rape. Photo: PO Sännås

Lives by selling scrap

In June this year, a 21-year-old man was arrested who, together with five others, broke into a premises in Värmdö to steal metal. The man has told us that he makes a living by selling scrap black.

The metal thief’s DNA matched the DNA of the rapist. He was 15 years old when he raped the girl in the forest. As a result of his age at the time, the sentence is reduced and he ends up in prison for one year and one month.

The girl told the court that she still feels very bad after the abuse.

The man says he had sex with the girl, but claims she was the one who took the initiative. The court dismisses his claims as after-the-fact constructions, among other reasons, on the grounds that it appears unlikely that the plaintiff, who according to court certificates has never had intercourse, would want to have sex with an unknown person in the forest in February when there is snow on the ground.

– The sentence is extremely important, not least to be able to give the vulnerable girl and her family some closure after a long and tough period, says Gustaf Silfverstolpe, acting section head for serious crimes in Stockholm North.
