They’re Coming Into Our Homes, Here’s How This Simple Ingredient Can Prevent An Invasion

This little beast is already back heres what to do

As temperatures drop, these little creatures gradually reappear and settle into homes. This secret can scare them away.

One little creature, then two… While the temperatures are mild for the season, the diabolical bedbugs are back. If the days are pleasant, the nights are starting to get cooler, and they try to slip into our homes to spend the night in the warmth. If they are not dangerous, it is never very pleasant to be invaded by little creatures, especially since they can arrive in numbers and colonize our homes at high speed.

It is therefore not surprising to see these brown-grey insects at this time of year sticking to the ceiling, gathering in dozens on facades, hiding behind shutters, but also on your window sills. If you do nothing, their invasion can be very rapid because they can lay 20 to 80 eggs after mating! The brown marmorated stink bug is harmless to humans because it does not bite. It can nevertheless create real discomfort, but also cause allergies in humans and animals by triggering its characteristic defense system: a nauseating odor that has made its reputation.

© Henk –

It’s hard to get rid of them once they’ve taken up residence in your home. There are no commercially available effective stink bug repellents. Fortunately, there’s an unexpected ally, a simple, inexpensive natural ingredient that you probably have on hand that can repel these pests without resorting to toxic or expensive chemicals. This natural remedy is garlic! It can be your best weapon against a stink bug invasion, allowing you to regain control of your home and your peace of mind. If you only have a few specimens at home, you can easily put them back outside with the help of a simple clove.

But if you start to have a lot of them, go on the offensive. Before they invade your home, prepare this grandmother’s potion based on garlic. In a spray bottle, mix 400 ml of water with 3 tablespoons of garlic powder or with 2/3 cloves of crushed garlic. Spray this preparation on all your windowsills. You will see, it is a very effective repellent. The result? It will not kill the little creatures, but will scare them away and dissuade them from entering your home because the diabolical bedbugs hate the smell of garlic. Good news, this remedy is also effective in fighting an invasion of green bedbugs, this species of bedbug better known than its American cousin. Do not hesitate to use it as a preventative measure now.
