They were worst hit by the weekend’s downpour – 37 millimeters of rain

They were worst hit by the weekends downpour – 37

Despite earlier yellow and orange warnings in several parts of the country, no area reached the feared amounts of rain.

— During the day, we saw that the intensity was lower than what the models showed, so we unpublished the warnings before the time they were supposed to apply, says Marie Staerk, meteorologist at SMHI.


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Warning of thunder

There was also a warning of thunder – which also did not start as expected.

Helsingborg received 33 millimeters of rain. There, the rainy weather led, among other things, to a car getting stuck in a flood under a railway viaduct. No one should have been injured.


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Water ran into the ice rink

Ängelholm was also affected by the downpour with large amounts of rain on Kungsgårdsleden. Water also flowed into the Catena Arena ice rink.

In Svealand, the most rain fell in Berga, with 22 millimeters.
