There was a temporary flight ban in the area where the incident occurred. The police had their own drone in the air to watch Classic Car Week and then discovered that another drone was in the air.
When the police found where the drone was ruled from, one of the people in the company must have immediately acknowledged that he flew the drone and the man in question had an alcohol concentration of 0.69 per thousand in the blood.
Blamed on unknown person
In retrospect, the man has claimed that he did not fly the drone, at least not with alcohol in the blood. Mannan describes in the judgment that it was an acquaintance to him who was not left at the scene when the police arrived who had flown the drone.
The district court ignores the man’s explanation and judges him to pay 80 daily fines of SEK 400, which corresponds to SEK 32,000.
Unusual judgment
According to SVT’s searches in legal databases and the prosecutor’s investigations, it seems to be the first time in Sweden as someone is being prosecuted and sentenced for a flight filling with drones.
– I haven’t seen any such case before. I may say that I am satisfied with the verdict, I had demanded that the man be sentenced to daily fines but not specified how many, says prosecutor Jenny Holden Nyström.
Compared to drunk driving
The District Court chairman Karin Hellmont says that they used the penalty scale for drunk driving by car to make the penalty assessment.
– It is an aircraft even though it is flown for itself, it is controlled by someone down on the ground and can fall down from a high altitude and injury someone, explains Karin Hellmont.