They want to become MP’s new mouthpiece

Henrik Blind

The municipal council in Jokkmokk made a successful election last year when the MP received 11.3 percent of the vote – the party’s best result in the entire country. Should he be elected, he will be the first Sami leader of a parliamentary party.

– I think it is important to have voices from our area. We live in the midst of climate change and we live where this is happening the fastest.

Daniel Helldén

The previously profiled Traffic Citizens’ Council in Stockholm now sits in the Riksdag, and is one of two candidates who have said they will run even if the party abandons the model with two mouthpieces. He thinks the party has lost focus on climate and environmental issues.

– We have devoted ourselves to talking about too many issues, and as a smaller party there is not that space. We have to be able to focus and prioritize, we haven’t been good at that.

Henrik Ölvebo

The municipal council in Gällivare will also stand up, even if it will only be a mouthpiece. Stands out within the party as he is open to new nuclear power and mining establishments if it is necessary to cope with the green transition.

– I guess I have a more pragmatic view… Electrification and mines are two issues where we have a bit of a problem with the explanatory model… They are difficult issues where we need to navigate in a better way.

Linus Lakso

The MP’s energy policy spokesperson with an engineering background believes that he is the right person for the job as he was involved in developing the party’s overall climate policy. He also wants to focus on the economic policy and the increased gaps.

– We need to be very clear that we want to pursue an active distribution policy.

Martin Marmgren

For everyday police in the Stockholm area. In addition to climate and environment, he highlights “a right-wing populism on the rise”, and hopes to increase the party’s confidence and change the image of the MP:

– There is a wrong image, in some cases a purely hateful image, of environmentalists as out of touch with reality who do not understand their surroundings and the problems that people face.

Magnus P Wåhlin

The priest from Växjö has previously challenged Bolund for the mouthpiece post. In addition to the party’s profile issues, he wants to focus on foreign policy:

– I think that foreign, security and geopolitical issues will play a big role in the 2026 election campaign, and we need to sharpen our foreign policy.

Torbjörn Nilsson

Värmlänning who believes that poor communication has brought down the party. Wants to mobilize the party to reach out with the policy to voters and the media.

– We have very strong interests against us, strong financial interests that would like to see us leave the Riksdag.

Nils Seye Larsen

Group leader in Umeå who, among other things, has a background with non-profit involvement in functional law and asylum law.

– I want to carry with me what we have done in Umeå, for which I am extremely proud, says Nils Seye Larsen.
