They took drugs that increase sexual power and had intercourse 11 times! Sexual intercourse ended badly…

They took drugs that increase sexual power and had intercourse

Oromidayo, a civil engineering student in Nigeria’s Apete region, and his girlfriend, Alamide, went to the student dormitory they were staying together after the exams were postponed. The couple wanted to have sexual intercourse and used a drug that increases potency. The body of the duo, who were together 11 times in a row, could not stand this situation any longer. While Oromidayo died at the scene, his girlfriend was taken to intensive care as she had difficulty breathing.

There was an event in Nigeria that was on the agenda of the world press. Oromidayo, who studied civil engineering, had 11 uninterrupted intercourse with his girlfriend Alamide after the exams were postponed, using a drug that increases sexual power. While Oromidayo passed away, his girlfriend went into a vegetative state.


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After the duo did not leave their rooms for a long time, their student friends entered the room. His friends, who encountered Oromidayo’s lifeless body in the room, stated that Alamide was lying on the floor and had difficulty breathing. The eyewitness, who encountered a terrible scene at the scene, said, “We were going to start the exams at my faculty yesterday, but because the school was on holiday due to the protests, they returned to their dormitory rooms with their girlfriend. When there was no sound for a long time, I got curious and went to their room.”
