They targeted Russian expeditions! ‘Fake bomb threat’ interrupted

They targeted Russian expeditions Fake bomb threat interrupted

After Russia declared war on Ukraine, Serbia, which decided not to impose sanctions on Russia, continues to receive “fake bomb threats” on flights to Russia.

According to the statement made by Serbian authorities, Russia’s Moscow and St. For scheduled flights to St. Petersburg cities, 6 fake bomb threats were issued in less than a week.

Predrag Djordjevic, an official of the Civil Aviation Directorate, who stated that Air Serbia had faced 6 bomb threats, said that the events had been going on for a long time and that this was an “unusual” situation.


While the European Union countries closed their airspaces to Russia as a sanction against Russia’s war against Ukraine, Serbia’s national airline company Air Serbia started to make flights to Russia with larger planes and increased the number of flights.


Ukrainian Deputy Foreign Minister Emine Dzheppar said on Twitter that Air Serbia doubled its flights to Moscow during the period when the European Union (EU) members stopped their flights to Russia and closed their airspace to Russian planes, “In Europe, only Serbia, “It did not close its airspace to Russian planes. Making money with the blood of Ukrainians does not suit a candidate country to join the EU.” she used the expression she.

After the pressure, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stated that the number of daily flights from the capital Belgrade to Russia has been reduced to one, in a statement to the private Pink Television regarding the upcoming presidential election. (AA)
