“They should be ashamed” – AS.com

They should be ashamed AScom

“Unpleasant behavior of the Atlético players, they should be ashamed of some of the antics they’ve pulled“. It is the analysis of Rio Ferdinand, one of the most authoritative voices in English football, but it is also the feeling in the press throughout the country. This is reflected in the front pages of the main media the day after, very harsh with the Atletico Madrid players.

Crazy, bad and dangerous“, headlines the Mirror, one of the newspapers with the largest circulation, on its sports cover and adds: “A battered City stands firm against an embarrassing Atlético“. The Daily Star is on the same line, assuring that there was “total chaos” in the Wanda. The cover of The Sun is very harsh, which refers to the mental health of the mattress players and ensures that “a brave Phil (Foden) and company fire the crazy“Although not everything is sticks to the mattresses.

Returning to Ferdinand, the former United player recognizes Atlético’s game and the point to which it led Guardiola’s team: “We must say, speaking of football, congratulations to Atlético de Madrid because they made Manchester City play in a way that we had not seen in a long time, took away the rhythm and pace. But some of the stuff towards the end was not what you want to see on a football pitch.”

In the same vein, former City player Joleon Lescott expressed himself: “The last ten minutes is not something that can be toleratedIt’s not something you want to see in a coach and in an elite team.”

Hargreaves for his part assured: “City had a lot of composure and class. It was a disgrace for Atlético at the end. Just play soccer well! The antics were rubbish. The City players are much more resistant. That was a very, very difficult game. Great performance from City.”
