They shot down Jayland Walker! The USA is talking about this event, the images are published

They shot down Jayland Walker The USA is talking about

The USA is talking about the murder of 25-year-old black teenager Jayland Walker by the police. In the footage shared by the police, it was seen that at least 5 police officers fired at Jayland Walker, who left his car and fled, until his magazines were empty. Akron Police Chief Stephen Mylett described the footage as “hard to watch” and “shocking”.


In the US state of Ohio, “shocking” footage was released, in which the police killed a 25-year-old black teenager with more than 60 bullets shot by the police. In the video recording shared by Akron city police, it was seen that at least 5 policemen shot Jayland Walker, who left his car and fled, until their magazines were empty.

Akron Police Chief Stephen Mylett told Walker that he did not know how many bullets the police fired, and that more than 60 gunshot wounds were found on the teenager’s body as a result of the forensic medical examination.


Mylett described the footage of Walker as “difficult to watch” and “shocking”, explaining that there was evidence that Walker used a gun from inside his vehicle during traffic pursuit.

“When a police officer makes the most critical decision of his life and shoots someone, he must be prepared to account for every bullet that comes out of the barrel of his gun,” said the police chief. said.

On the other hand, the police, who published the image of a gun in Walker’s vehicle, as well as his personal belongings, claimed that the black youth shot at the teams while he was in his vehicle.

In the video compiled from the body camera of the police, it is seen that Walker, who was followed by the teams, pulled his vehicle to the right after a while and ran away. There was no evidence that the black youth, whose back was turned to the cops who was chasing after him, opened fire when he was shot.


According to the Akron Police Department, on June 27, Jayland Walker was stopped by the police for a traffic violation, and during the chase, at least 60 of the more than 90 bullets fired from the police’s gun hit the black teenager, causing his death.

The family’s lawyer, Bobby DiCello, noted that 60 bullets hit Walker’s body, including his face, but that his hands were cuffed behind his back when he was taken to the hospital.

“Independence Day is a time of celebration, of gathering with friends and family. Unfortunately, I feel strongly that this is not the time for a city-led celebration,” said Akron Mayor Dan Horrigan. made his statement.

The shooting of the black youth caused great reactions in the city, and after the protests, the police involved in the incident had to leave for administrative leave.

Source: AA
