They realized: Here is the innovation called YouTube’s new feature!

They realized Here is the innovation called YouTubes new feature

It looks like YouTube is introducing a new feature in its app. According to Android Authority, this feature is called “Stable Volume”.

The feature was spotted by several people, including a Redditor and YouTuber M. Brandon Lee.

The platform hasn’t explained what this feature does, and not everyone seems to have it yet.

The feature reportedly appears under the ‘Ambience mode’ option on the video settings page.


While it’s unclear what the “Stable Volume” setting does and how it works, it’s thought to control and balance the volume in different videos, as the name suggests.

This feature is expected to help YouTubers avoid sudden and sharp volume spikes, i.e. pops or sudden drops in volume, while watching videos from different creators and channels.

This feature doesn’t seem to have arrived in the YouTube app on both Android and iOS yet.

It looks like we’ll have to wait for Google to shed more light on this issue or for the feature to become more widely available to find out how the “Stable Volume” feature works.
