The abuse destroyed the relationship • Special Christmas gift that led to reunion: “Just sat and waited”
The couple met 35 years ago at the pizzeria in Boxholm. They knew who each other was, but did not socialize in the same circles. Jessica already thought that Göran drank too much, but was persuaded by a friend to give him a chance.
– I immediately fell in love with diving. It really clicked for me, says Göran Ahlgren.
They had two children and moved out into the country, to a horse farm with lots of animals. But after a few years, the children wanted to be closer to their friends. In addition, the dream house came up for sale.
– That’s when it started to crash really hard. Alcohol intake increased. There was an urge to meet people and we got out a little more. Then it quickly went downhill, says Jessica Ahlgren.
Had enough
Betrayal and broken promises about each other. Many crashes and several antabuse courses. Jessica Ahlgren felt that it was no longer possible to live with Göran’s alcohol abuse. The dream house was put up for sale.
– Then “Gösse” said to me: It will go well for you, but for me it will go to hell, Jessica remembers.
After the divorce, one daughter moved in with Jessica and the other with Göran. Then the gambling addiction and the financial problems also began. When the daughter then moved to her own place, it no longer mattered what day of the week it was: If he wanted to drink, he did.
– Then I started putting grills in my head, you didn’t want to live anymore, says Göran.
To this day, he still finds it difficult to talk about.
Then came the twist
During Easter 2015, Göran tried to end his life. But Jessica and Göran’s mother found him and he later woke up in hospital.
– When I woke up, I had no idea what I was doing there. I have such a hard time accepting that I have done this, he says.
The turnaround didn’t come until a few more years later.
– It is difficult to explain the feeling, but I was ready. It was four years ago now in October and I haven’t had any thoughts of relapse or anything.
– For me, “Gösse” has always been the best, when he was sober, says Jessica Ahlgren.
A special Christmas present
And since they had known each other for several decades, Jessica Ahlgren began to feel that it might work to move in together again, because the feelings for Göran had never disappeared. And now the worry about relapse had also disappeared.
Then she decided to give a special Christmas present to Göran and she asked her daughter to film, which she did Corren reported on. But no one except Jessica knew the contents.
– When he opened and rolled out the note, I just sat and waited for what it was. You couldn’t answer because the tears just flowed. I wondered if he wanted to change his address.
But that, on two conditions: No alcohol and a good morning mood. They have now lived together for two years, but there will be no new marriage.
– You don’t have to be married. The main thing is that you have a good time, says Jessica Ahlgren.
Fact: You can turn here if you feel unwell
In emergency situations or thoughts of suicide, always call 112.
This is where you can turn if you feel unwell:
Suicide Zero –
Spes – the national association for suicide prevention and survivor support.
BRIS – children’s rights in society.
Save the Children – Also for parents.
Alcoholics Anonymous –
Friend on call – accepts calls from children and young people up to 25 years of age.
Fellow on call – can be reached at night on 08-702 16 80.
Friends –
1177 – healthcare advice and information about the nearest psychiatric emergency department.