They flee the Swedish School – to hometown in Åland

Jenny’s daughters missed more than half of the school last year. They have received different support efforts but do not think anything has worked. Both have autism and the elderly also suffer from anxiety problems.

– The middle school places higher demands and then she collapsed completely, says Jenny.

In Finland and Åland there is not compulsory schooling but only compulsory, which allows children to be taught at home.

– We will move to Åland, so that they can actually learn something. The ambition is for them to survive, not for them to become a brain scientist or presidents, says Jenny.

Almost all children Swedish

The number of children receiving homeschooling has increased dramatically in Åland. In 2012, there were only eleven. Today the figure rose to 132. In the spring of 2024, as many as 95 percent of the homeschooling children came from Sweden.

The Åland authorities have not followed how the children managed after elementary school. And more research is needed in this area.

– Studies point in different directions. Overall, they do about as good as in school, says Ditte Storck Christensen, pedagogy doctor at the University of Gothenburg and former supervisory person in Sottunga municipality in Åland.

The School Minister: “A major failure”

Lotta Edholm has been school minister for over two years. She is not satisfied with how far the government has come in helping children with neuropsychiatric disabilities:

– We are making major changes now, both by the legislation where it will be clearer that children are entitled to special support, but also through government grants, for example for smaller teaching groups.

See a longer interview with the school minister in the player above.
