They discover the key aspects to detect COVID without taking a test

They discover the key aspects to detect COVID without taking

According to a study by the AIDS Research Institute (IrsiCaixa), the new symptoms of the Ómicron sublineages would be fatigue and dizziness or fainting, indicators that are not usually associated with COVID, but would be key symptoms of being infected.

Later symptoms that we already know come, such as cough, sore throat, headache, fever or nasal congestion. That can be perfectly confirmed with an antigen test or PCR.

How to detect coronavirus infection

When we talk about fatigue, it is much more than being tired or very tired, it would also be pain in the body, muscles, head, having blurred vision and even having a lack of appetite, which these days can even be confused with the arrival so fast of heat.

Another study carried out in Germany has also confirmed that there is a relationship between fainting and dizziness, and the Omicron variant of the coronavirus. As published by the German newspaper Ärztezeitung, doctors have seen a “clear connection” between this symptom and Covid.

The Dr. Angelique Coetzee, doctor and president of the South African Medical Association, has stated that fatigue was one of the main symptoms of Omicron when the variant emerged in South Africa.

Another report from Germany suggested a link between the fainting spells and Omicron after doctors in Berlin discovered that COVID-19 was causing recurring fainting spells in a 35-year-old patient admitted to the hospital.

Two million deaths in Europe

Europe has surpassed two million dead from the coronavirus pandemicreported a few days ago the regional office of the World Health Organization (WHO). “A macabre milestone has been reached by confirming that deaths from covid-19 in the countries of the European region have exceeded two million,” said the office’s statement from Copenhagen.
