They can get SEK 3,200 more in retirement – every month life out

They can get SEK 3200 more in retirement every

In a new report, the pension portal Minpension has shown the difference between the expected final salary with the first pension withdrawal based on education level.

For the ninth year in a row, the Pension Portal reported the differences that prove to be large.

It turns out that the differences between the level of education are large. A person who has a pre -secondary education level, according to the 2025 year’s forecast, receives an expected average pension at the target age of SEK 24,600 a month.

Most of them who have a postgraduate education, which is estimated to receive SEK 37,800 in retirement at the target age.

According to Minpension’s report, the proportion of college educated persons has increased over time with closer to doubling only in the last two decades. In combination with the fact that major changes have been made to the Swedish pension system, education is expected to pay off, they say.

Minpensions table for average expected pension at the target age, based on educational level:

– Education at a college or university, an average of SEK 3,200, gives more in retirement each month compared to upper secondary education. Although academics receive a higher pension than those with upper secondary education alone, wages during working life play a greater role for the size of the pension. This is due to several factors, including later establishment age in the labor market for academics, that wage increases come relatively late in the professional life and the design of the pension system says Dan Adolphson Björckpension economist at minpension in one Press release.
