They became homeless after the bombing in Hässelby

It was March 16 that became a turning point for Anette, Pär and Joakim. Then their neighbor’s house was blown to pieces in an explosion in Hässelby, in southern Stockholm. So did their homes and around 20 families were forced to move.

Of the trio who visited Efter fem, Anette was the only one who was at home at the time of the explosion, along with her daughter.

– We woke up to a huge roar. I didn’t understand what it was. At first I thought something had fallen on the house. I rushed up and came out to a bathroom that was… completely broken. There were no windows left and water was spraying out of the broken toilet.

She continues:

– It smelled like smoke, so I thought it was on fire. I rushed down and then I came down the hall, and look out and see that I have no front door.

Joakim was not in the townhouse at the time, because he was on a business trip in the USA. However, his daughter was at home.

– I’m sitting in Beverly Hills when I get an alarm on the phone about a burglary attempt. I grab my daughter who had just woken up from the explosion and it was like a bad movie. There are people screaming, broken glass, house parts, fire alarms, panic, spraying water, blown out windows, the neighbor’s balcony is on our property. Chaotic.

Criticism of the support

The incident that occurred in March has affected everyone greatly. And still do. In April, TV4 Nyheterna reported that the trio felt abandoned by the authorities. The feeling remains today, seven months later.

– You have had to fight from day one, with everything. Nothing has come by itself. You lose faith in society, in the state, in everything. No talk about that. Then it is an enormous luck that our daughter is alive. You can be happy about that, but otherwise it’s a pancake, says Pär.

They describe the support from the authorities as non-existent since the crime. Even during the night when the deed took place.

– No one asked where we were going or where we were going to sleep last night, says Anette.

Joakim agrees with the criticism.

– Nonexistent. It took over a month before any community function got in touch. It took over seven months to get legal counsel. All support has had to be argued about at all levels all the time. Should you as a crime victim have to keep going like this?

Yesterday 18:16

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Calls for national strategy

Lisa Carlsson (S) is chairman of the district committee Hässelby/Vällingby and fully understands their experience, and expresses self-criticism on the part of the district committee.

– When this happened in March, the crisis support failed. We weren’t there fast enough and didn’t pick it up in a good way.

The blast in March was the first of five blasts that have hit Hässelby/Vällingby this year.

– It is an exceptional situation we are now seeing in Sweden and in the city of Stockholm. I don’t think anyone has had much preparedness for this kind of act of violence. It was a shock to us. I take full responsibility for the fact that the preparedness was not in place properly.

Now she is calling for a national gathering where all parties in the Riksdag sit down and come up with a joint strategy to end the wave of violence.

– We need a national strategy so that municipalities and regions can implement the strategy that is agreed upon.

Uncertain future

The trio also do not have very high hopes for the future. Right now everyone lives somewhere else. Pär is looking for accommodation elsewhere, but Joakim is forced to stay.

– There is no choice. You have a house and a loan. I, as the owner, must see to it that it is rebuilt. I have no choice but to go through this process. On the one hand, you become a victim of abuse, then you have to pay to restore, and if I can’t take it then I have no choice. It is tragic.

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