They attacked the Gaza Strip! The Israeli army is on the alert level… Sirens are sounding in the city of Tel Aviv

They attacked the Gaza Strip The Israeli army is on

The Israeli army announced that a “High Command Room” was established within the scope of the attack launched on the besieged Gaza Strip, and about 25,000 reserve soldiers were called to duty.

In a written statement from the Israeli army, it was stated that the Ministry of Defense approved the decision to call up reservists in a comprehensive manner.

In the statement, it was noted that Defense Minister Benny Gantz instructed the army to call up approximately 25,000 reservists from different units.

On the other hand, information was shared that the Israeli Air Force “hit the target with a missile launch mechanism belonging to the Islamic Jihad Movement” in the city of Khan Younis in the Gaza Strip.


In the statement, it was claimed that an unsuccessful missile launch attempt was made from the same point.


It was reported that the Israeli General Staff ordered the army to go into an “emergency situation” and a “High Command Room” was established within this framework.

Special forces and artillery units of the army reportedly hit targets belonging to Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip.


Speaking to the Haaretz newspaper, a senior military source said that they were “expecting a response” to the attacks from Gaza and that “the operation will take time”.

In a statement made during the day, the Israeli army announced that it had shifted its troops and armored troops from the north of the country to the Gaza border.


While the Israeli army’s attacks on the blockaded Gaza Strip, which killed 10 people, continued, rockets were fired from Gaza in the direction of Israel.

In response to Israel’s attacks on Gaza, rockets, which were launched from Gaza by unknown, were fired towards Israel.


In a written statement made by the Israeli army on the subject, it was stated that attack sirens sounded in the southern and central regions of Israel.

According to the news of Yediot Ahronot newspaper, sirens sounded in Tel Aviv.


The Israeli army announced today that it hit the centers of the Islamic Jihad Movement in the blockaded Gaza Strip.

In a written statement made by the Palestinian Ministry of Health, it was stated that 10 Palestinians, including a 5-year-old child, were killed and 55 injured in the Israeli attacks on Gaza.


Islamic Jihad Movement Spokesperson Davud Shihab also announced that Teysir al-Jaberi, one of the leading figures of the movement, was killed in Israel’s attack on Gaza.


Tensions in the region increased with the Israeli army’s raid on the occupied West Bank city of Jenin on 1 August.

In this raid, Israeli soldiers injured and detained Bessam Saadi, the director of Islamic Jihad in Jenin, and a Palestinian lost his life in the conflict.

The Israeli army had raised the level of alarm around the blockade of Gaza, fearing a possible retaliation after Saadi’s detention.


In this context, army units blocked the main roads connecting the Jewish settlements around the Gaza Strip, and dozens of unmanned aerial vehicles were flown over Gaza skies.

During the last 4 days, the Beit Hanun (Erez) Border Gate in the north of Gaza and the Kerem Ebu Salim Border Gate were also kept closed. (AA)
