They are chef and pastry chef at this year’s Nobel party

They are chef and pastry chef at this years Nobel

Published: Just now

full screen Archive image from the Nobel Banquet in the City Hall in Stockholm 2019. Photo: Anders Wiklund/TT

Pastry chef Annie Hesselstad and chef Jimmi Eriksson will prepare the food for this year’s Nobel banquet.

The duo was announced at a press conference at City Hall in Stockholm.

Jimmi Eriksson was named Chef of the Year 2016 and has previously, among other things, worked as a chef at the Nobel Banquet. Annie Hesselstad is head pastry chef at the art museum Artipelag in Stockholm’s archipelago.

– It’s enormous fun, says Annie Hesselstad to TT.

Hesselstad and Eriksson accepted the offer to put together the menu for the Nobel banquet three years ago, but the assignment was delayed due to the pandemic.

– Magical, says Eriksson.

– I finally get to tell my colleagues. So it’s fun, says Eriksson.

The menu is secret until the food is served on December 10.
