These Utrecht over-60s already know: they will take the corona shot again this fall (or not)

These Utrecht over 60s already know they will take the corona

GGD Region Utrecht is ready for a major injection operation

About 300,000 people in this region belong to a so-called risk group and could therefore be offered a corona shot again in the autumn. In any case, the GGD region of Utrecht is ready for such a major injection operation, says a spokesperson. “We are prepared for that. We have gained enough experience to be able to scale up quickly and prepare our organization for subsequent crises and incidents.”

Whether the Health Council’s advice (to offer the risk groups an injection) will also be implemented is still up to the minister. “We are only implementing the decision,” said the spokesperson. It is also up to the minister to determine whether, for example, people who do not belong to a vulnerable group can also receive an injection. “So that’s up to him to answer that.”
