Well -known online stores offer USB and SSD keys to ridiculous prices. But do not fall into the panel: these are false who obviously do not hold their promises.:
USB keys and external discs are very practical, and even essential accessories when you want to keep and transport files, to use them on different computers or various devices, whether to recover office documents or to read videos on a TV, for example. And like everything related to storage, we never have enough because we always end up lacking space to save new files! Fortunately, the prices of these precious accessories have dropped in recent years, at the same time as their capacity has increased. And today we find today USB keys of 64 GB at less than 10 euros and external discs of 1 TB for barely 50 euros.
But if you hang on online stores to make your computer shopping, you have probably already come across even more attractive offers, with very large capacity removable storage devices offered at ridiculous prices, such as USB keys from 2 TB at 5 euros or external SSDs of 128 TB at 25 euros. This is particularly the case on well -known platforms such as Aliexpress, Temu or even on Amazon where dozens of sellers offer these kinds of products at incredibly low prices, in various versions, and sometimes under renowned brands, such as Lenovo or Xiaomi.
But now, Santa Claus does not exist, and these are simply scams! Despite the many photos, the beautiful technical characteristics and the rave opinions of customers that these merchants put forward on their files, these USB keys and these very large capacity SSDs are vulgar false. We checked it by buying several products. Admittedly, they have arrived within the announced time, and they work. Better yet, the models we have tested display the capacity announced when examining them on a computer.

The catch is that it is an apparent capacity, which has been skillfully faked in the factory in the internal firmware – the firmware – of the device, so as to deceive operating systems. And if we can at first glance fill them, we quickly realize that copied files become simply illegible, because they gradually self -destruct, over the recordings. Because the actual space available is much lower than the advertised capacity: it is established for example at 32 GB for an allegedly 2 TB key!
Worse, the recording speed is very much lower than the expected flow for the promised standard: we have thus noted a copy speed of 4 MB/s on a key supposed to reach more than 100 MB/s, as would be the case if it was actually at USB 3.0. In short, these are just make -up products: keys and discs some gigabytes to the USB 1.0 or 2.0 standard that dishonest sellers try to pass for cars. And, to tell the truth, it is hardly surprising when we see that their price are barely higher than those of the classic models, of lower capacity, which should put the chip in your ear …
Above all, there is currently no key or ssd with the characteristics announced, because the necessary electronic memory fleas are not on the market! There are many USB keys of 1 TB, but rather around 100 euros. And the external SSDs of 8 TB are rather sold nearly 600 euros. We are far from the prices of these miraculous products, to flee absolutely! The real question that arises is why the large online platforms still leave these unscrupulous merchants to sell this type of product. Especially since this scam is absolutely not new …