We will have to get used to it, there is little chance that the top of the fiction charts bouge before a certain time. Indeed, Pierre Lemaitre (A bright futureCalmann-Lévy), Leïla Slimani (I will take the fireGallimard) and Freida McFadden, the latter, author at the happy publisher City, being present with two titles, The cleaning lady (3) and The shrink (7th) seem to have to lead dance for a long time. This is how only two entries should be noted in this week from January 27 to February 2 (according to Edistat): that of Wicked game (4th in the ranking), signed Anita Rigins, a Frenchwoman who began to publish on Wattpad before being noticed by the edition (Hugo Roman then addictive) and who is already at the head of several series (The game, no rules, bad for me, New Romance Magazine) ; and that of Answer the night (Albin Michel, 13th) in which Agnès Ledig tells the story of a tattoo artist living on the edge of the Vosges forest and finding herself with murder …
So we are going to dwell on the list of tests today, which sees no less than six titles arise. Began Birkenau’s girls (Les Arena), in 4th position, by filmmaker David Teboul, with Isabelle Choko, Judith Elkán-Hervé, Ginette Kolinka, Esther Sénot. For a documentary, broadcast in May 2024, he had gathered these four four, almost centinchy survivors during two lunches, from Auschwitz-Birkenau, whose written version of these testimonies in Vifle. Strong testimonies, which we heard a lot about in late January during the 80th anniversary of the release of this death camp. In the same register, we will note the entry, in 13th position, of What I saw in Auschwitz (Threshold), from Alter Fajnzylberg, with Alban Perrin. The publication of the Alter Fajnzylberg notebooks, detained in Auschwitz-Birkenau from April 1942 to January 1945, forced to integrate the Sonderkommando for eighteen months, was permitted by his son Roger who extracted them from the past, made translated Polish, and contextualized thanks to the help of the historian Alban Perrin.
Another arrival, in 8th place, Maxime Rovere and his book on filial love under the title Speak with her mother (Flammarion). Also at Flammarion, the well -known journalist, Charles Biétry, says in The latest wave SWe travel, from the France-Presse agency to Canal +, from TF1 to France Télévisions, from the TV team to BeIN Sports, and its fight against Charcot’s disease. Then comes the information specialist Alain Bauer with the third volume of his series on globalization (In the beginning was war2023 and You will not kill, 2024): The conquest of the West (Fayard). The famous criminologist and essayist lingers here on sedentary becoming and demographic issues based on birth rate crises, refugees, identity, epidemics and climatic migration …
Finally, in the 19th rank, a hybrid work appears, between essay and fiction, Marine Le Pen President. Political dystopia 2026-2029 (Little Matins), the story of the first half of Marine Le Pen’s mandate to the Presidency of the Republic. An edifying story signed by three duly graduate authors, the consultant enarch and specialist in Islam Hakim El Karoui, the enarch and financial Guillaume Hannezo and the normalien and director of Terra Nova Thierry Pech. Irony of a classification, they are ahead of a place the What I’m looking for (Fayard), of the president of the national rally Jordan Bardella, while, let us remember, the manifesto of Salomé saqué, Resist (Payot), in reaction to the far right, “at the gates of power”, holds the first step of the podium in our record.